SOS Archivi is now ETS
A new milestone has been reached by SOS Archivi, which is now officially ETS.
We have taken this step to be even more incisive and carry out increasingly important projects in terms of results for the prevention and protection of all Archives and Cultural Heritage, we have decided to grow as an association and to give SOS Archivi legal personality and the qualification of third sector institution.

Honorary members are promoted to Ambassadors
I am an old honorary member what should I do?
Continue to support SOS Archivi ETS as you have to date.
Change the name but not ours and your level of commitment. Ours is a small gesture to thank your commitment to supporting us with small daily actions.
Your contribution in sharing our actions for disseminating the culture of risk prevention and management of emergencies that can put cultural heritage at risk is fundamental for us.
You will continue to receive our newsletters and to have previews and access to our initiatives and workshops.
I'm not an honorary member but I want to become an Ambassador what should I do?
Fill out the registration form to send your membership request as an Ambassador of SOS Archivi ETS. Membership has no costs but you can still decide to make a small voluntary donation to support us.
By becoming an Ambassador, you will become part of the first community dedicated to the protection of cultural and archival heritage in Italy, supporting the projects and the Sos Archivi ETS association.
As our Ambassador you will be able to become one of the references in your region on issues relating to protection, risk prevention and emergency management for the protection of archives, libraries and museums.
You will also receive our card, thanks to which you will have promotions and discounts on initiatives and events of which you will be informed through our newsletter.
Want to do more?
Apply to become a member
of Sos Archivi ETS
To join and become a member, the payment of an annual membership fee is required.
Subjects, natural or legal persons, as well as other third sector entities, who share the aims of the association and meet the following conditions can be associated:
a) meet at least one of the following requirements:
- be an archive or library manager or employee;
- be a manager or safety officer of a company or body;
- be a scholar of the subject of data archiving
documents, library management or related subjects; - be a person who works professionally in the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector, in particular in the sector of management, archiving and conservation of documents and libraries;
- be a person who works professionally in the fields of digitization and enhancement of archives and libraries, restoration, logistics, safety (fire-fighting devices), hygiene in the workplace, fixed and mobile equipment for archives and libraries and the like ;
b) be of good moral conduct;
c) not to have been sentenced to a penalty involving disqualification, even temporary, from public office;
d) have not been sentenced to a sentence equal to or greater than two years’ imprisonment for the commission of an intentional crime and unless rehabilitation has taken place;
e) not to be interdicted, incapacitated or subjected to support administration;
f) not be bankrupt and have not undergone or have insolvency proceedings in progress;
g) not be recipients of the application, even in the first instance, of personal or real prevention measures;
h) be in compliance with the anti-mafia legislation.
If the associates are legal persons or in any case subjects of law other than natural persons, the requirements set out above in letters b) to h) must be verified by the legal representatives and administrators.
By becoming a member of the SOS Archivi ETS Association you will be able to enjoy the following advantages:
Have the right to vote
Take advantage of discounts and agreements
Stay up to date on the Association's initiatives
Have a privileged channel of communication with SOS Archivi ETS
Be invited to take part in the emergency simulations in the archives planned by SOS Archivi in collaboration with prestigious bodies
Receive invitations to conferences organized by SOS Archivi ETS on the topic of emergencies, prevention and conservation of cultural heritage
Request tickets and passes for events and fairs in which SOS Archivi ETS will participate and of which it will be a funding body
Members are divided into the following categories:
1. Founders: are the members who took part in the constitutive act of the Association.
2. Meritorious: are the associates who give prestige to the association due to their characteristics, their qualities, their behavior or who make contributions deemed of particular relevance by the Board of Directors.
3. Promoters: are the associates who are promoters of the activities and initiatives related to scientific research and the study of technical topics, in collaboration with the Technical-Scientific Committee.
4. Ordinary: are members different from the previous ones.