SOS Archivi organizes workshops with practical exercises to face and manage emergencies in areas related to archives and cultural heritage.
At the moment our activities in presence are suspended due to the COVID-19 emergency.
We are working on a calendar of events to restart with the spread of the culture of prevention and practical exercises.
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Our latest workshops
The art archives. Cultural heritage and tools for the protection and protection of artistic works.
Rome, November 28, 2019
Thanks to the support of the 3M Foundation and the patronage of ANAI, SOS Archivi organized this debate on art archives, in which professionals and experts in the sector took part, offering food for thought useful for a conscious approach to the protection and protection of archives. of art.
Protect, conserve and defend Cultural Heritage
July-November 2019
In 2019 SOS Archivi, with the support of Museimpresa, organized the workshop “Protect, preserve and defend Cultural Heritage”, with the aim of starting a training course aimed at increasing the skills of the participants in the field of risk prevention and management and emergencies in the Cultural Heritage sector, offering insights from the legislative, technical and insurance points of view.
The course has been structured in such a way as to involve the different professionals who work closely with cultural heritage, both public and private, and who want to acquire the useful know-how so that practical operations to safeguard the heritage can be successful.
The workshop was divided into an introductory day followed by 4 focus days at the corporate structures of 3M, Prodoc, Art Defender and Enzo Hruby Foundation.